Add cameras to live view via Mobile.

Loading video in the mobile app is an easy process.  See the following steps.

  1. Open the Qumulex PWA app from your phone
  2. From the "Live" page click on the Resources icon on the top right
  3. Tap each resource you wish to drag in to the current view.  You will see green badges show up with numbers relating to how many resources are selected.
  4. Once you have chosen which resources you want to bring in simply long press on one of them and you will be presented with your current layout.
  5. Drag the resource(s) to the desired panel and lift your finger from the phone.
  6. The resource(s) will then populate in the order they were selected from top left to right and fill in below in the same order depending on the view you have chosen.

If you are trying to drag in more cameras than you have spots for in your current view the app will drop off the cameras that do not fit.  You will need to open the Resources menu and choose a Layout that fits the number of cameras you desire.