How do I export or save my video?

There are several ways to export your video from QxControl.   Expanded information on all of these methods are available in the full User Manual HERE.  Or you can watch our video tutorials at the following links:  Search Page  Timeline Page


The most basic is to search for an Event via the Search page. 
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  1. Navigate to the Search page on the left hand menu
  2. Find the event you wish to export (you can set filters on type and time to help narrow them down)
  3. Click on the event on the left hand menu and then choose one of the following from the lower portion of the clip (mouse over if the icons do not show)
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    1. Export Clip - saves clip in the Qumulex cloud service which can be managed and shared from the Clips page.
      1. Here you will have several options including Naming the Clip, adjusting the start and end time, setting the expiration, and adding an optional detailed description.
    2. Download to Desktop - saves a video of the event to your local device.  It will appear as a download from your browser.


Alternately you may use the Timeline Search to find and export video.  This allows you to export and search greater swaths of video.

  1. Here you want to browse to the Timeline on the left hand menu.  
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  2. Next choose your camera from the choose camera icon
  3. The search will default to the last hour of video.  If you need other times or filters those can be achieved with the appropriate icons directly over the camera name on the left.
  4. Once you have found the time you would like to see, click within the timeline with the associated colored bar (event/motion/continuous) and verify it has the data needed.
  5. Then simply click Create Clip.  Then give the clip a name and description if desired along with any expiration rules.
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    1. If you would like to expand the range you can either type within the entry boxes, or simply drag the brackets on the timeline