How does Qumulex Billing work?

Billing Plan:

Qumulex employs a Tiered Fixed Fee (also known as scheduled/flat rate) billing model.  Users are billed a regular amount (per device) at a regular interval (monthly or annually).

Monthly Subscription Service:

Users purchasing monthly service will be billed on the first day of each month for the current month’s service (in advance) based on device count on-line at that time.  New devices added during the month will not be billed until the following (first full) month.  Effectively, subscription fees for newly added devices are waived for the first partial month the device is registered, giving integrators the opportunity to stage and commission customer deployments prior to billing.  Any changes to levels of existing service, i.e.-a device registered for 7 day storage is upgraded to 14 day storage, will be billed at the first of the month following the date the change is made (although the retention policy will be effective immediately).  Devices deleted during the month will be removed from billing at the first of the month following the date the change is made. 

Annual Subscription Service:

Annual subscribers will be billed the annual fee effective the first of the month following sign-up (the anniversary date) and billed annually for renewal.  Additional devices added during the subscription period will be billed at the first of the month following the date the device was registered and pro-rated to the renewal date of the annual subscription so that all registered devices renew annually on the same date.  Any changes to levels of existing service, i.e.-a device registered for 7 day storage is upgraded to 14 day storage, will be billed at the first of the month following the date the change was made and prorated to the renewal date of the annual subscription (although the retention policy will be effective immediately).  If a device is deleted during the term of the subscription, it will be removed from the active device count at the first of the month following the date the change was made but the subscription billing will not be credited.  New devices added subsequently will not be added to the subscription billing until the device count exceeds the total number originally billed.  For example: A customer might buy 20 annual device subscriptions, delete a device midway through the subscription period, but subsequently add another device.   As long as the total number of registered devices does not exceed 20 (at that configuration), no change will be made to the subscription billing.

Billing Reports:

Billing will be based on the number of registered devices reported by QxControl.  Detailed reporting will be produced to show the number of devices registered (by product part number) to each end-user account/location per Dealer.  Additionally, reporting will show units added/deleted/upgraded during the billing period.